OOC offers complete pipe organ services, from tuning to complete restorations. Some of the specialty work includes:

  • Complete re-leathering of wind chests, actions, wind reservoirs Historically correct techniques as well as modern techniques
  • Console rebuilding and installation of solid state relay systems from Matters, Peterson and other suppliers and complete re-wiring to bring instruments up to current electrical codes
  • New consoles
  • Complete cleaning and repair to restore instruments to new condition
  • New wind chests and pipe work
  • MIDI additions and tone modules
  • Repair of water damage, neglect, et.


Preparing for Pipe Organ Servicing: 

  • Temperature is of utmost importance. The temperature of the church space in which the organ resides needs to be at, or close to,
    70 degrees and needs to be stabilized at that temperature prior to
    the arrival of the technicians.
  • If the room temperature is lowered during the week, the room should be warmed to proper temperature before the tuning is to begin. It is recommended that for every degree that the room needs to warm to reach 70 degrees, it will take one hour for the temperature to stabilize completely. For instance, for a room that is 62 degrees and needs to move 8 degrees to reach 70, it will be necessary to start the heat about 8 hours ahead of time to ensure stable temperature throughout the entire space, especially in the pipe chambers.
  • Any ceiling fans that are used in conjunction with the heating must be on as well. Also, any lighting that on during church services and that shine on the organ directly should be on as the lights may warm certain areas of the pipe work and cause tuning changes.


Obermeyer Organ Company services all makes. models and styles of organ building from the many builders over the last century. These include (but are not limited to) tracker, direct electric, and electro pneumatic designs from:

Moller // Schlicker // Van Daalen // Schantz // Holtkamp // Wickes // Austin // Reiger // Kimbell // Kilgen // Hinners // Kleis // Hillgreen Lane // Tellers